
Friday, November 18, 2011

How The F*ck Is This News?!

So what are the headlines on Google News today? Let’s take a gander, shall we? Top Stories: US President Obama kicks up some sort of fuss around Burma, and Kristen pulls her 'sexy face' (sic)! An in depth piece of hard-hitting, investigative journalism on just how much Kirsten Steward enjoyed shooting her woopie scenes with Robert Pattinson for Twilight: Breaking Dawn (Lets not unpack that title just yet. Leave it for another day.)

This is the only usable pic Google search offered up…

What in the flying fuck is up with journalism?! I have no real beef with tabloid and entertainment/paparazzi sites vomiting up this sort of tripe, but Google fucking News? World News Top Stories?! Unless that headline somehow translates into Kirsten Stewart Pulls Ironic Sexy Face In On-Film Jab At Obama’s Foreign Relations Policies, it has precisely zero reasons sitting on that list.

That’s me done. For those who are interested, Kirsten had a swell time pulling do-me faces at Bobby. They all looked like this:

Just kidding. Here she's 'acting'.

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