
Monday, November 21, 2011

Galaxy Nexus VS iPhone 4S: One-All So Far

As many of you know, I have a love/hate relationships with cellphones – I hate not owning the things that I love, a category easily defined as ‘anything that allows me to browse while doing 140kmph on the N2 highway at 2:15AM somewhere between Knysna and Plettenberg Bay’.
I am a man of simple needs

However, as the powers that be have for so long put such delightful gadgets well outside the reach of my wallet, I am forced to work out my perpetual feelings of angst and despair in passive-aggressive rants online. Therefore, in my continued hate-affair with all things cell-phone, I bring you the skivvy on the up-coming Samsung Galaxy Nexus and how it compares to several of its major competitors-to-be. Most specifically, the iPhone 4S.

“Seriously, guys. There’s no way we’re getting sued this time.”

I’m no hater. I have a Mac at home, a Mac at work and I’d be completely lost without my iPod, but I have never been able to fully justify the shiny brick of handbag-candy that is the iPhone. Since its first release it has been dominating the cellphone world in terms of both performance and usability, and it’s so pretty that my toaster gets a boner ever time one enters my home, but the price tag has always struck me as just another way that Apple is pissing into the wind and then convincing people it’s raining.

Recently, Samsung has been doing their best to step on the iPhone’s toes with their Galaxy series, with minimal success. In my opinion, they cracked the look and interface (lawsuits pending) but suffered when it came to performance. And as far as battery life in concerned… well, let’s say that, if you ever have something important to say, say it very quickly. Just in case.

“Going into sleep mode…”

However, if AnandTech’s latest comparative test results are to believed, they may have half(ish) the problem sorted.

With Google in tow and powered by Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, the Nexus came out tops in browsing capability, easily defeating the iPhone 4S (on iOS5) and the Motorola Droid RAZR (they still make these?) running Gingerbread, and cleaning the floor with any prior models.

iPhone users might be quick to point out, however, that, during the same bank of tests, Apple skyrocketed ahead in the graphics department, boasting a 73.1FPS refresh rate compared to the Nexus’s 29.3. In response to that, I would like to remind everyone that the human eye is incapable of telling the difference between anything from 25FPS upwards. Barring any sudden, evolutionary leaps in human biology, therefore, this particular feature is best appreciated by whichever insect happens to be hovering above your head at the time.

“Must… own… iPhone 4S!”

As Samsung has proved time and time again, though, many models have trouble standing up to their pre-release test results. Also, unless they sort out their ridiculous (and, by this point in time, inexcusable) battery issues, the new Nexus doesn’t stand a chance.

I offer Samsung the opportunity to waylay my apprehension and send me a prerelease Nexus so that I might dabble with it and reassure all of you just how super-fantastic it is. Because I am just really nice that way.

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