
Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Mother-F*cking CEO Sells K-Swiss Tubes (They’re Shoes)

This is how you make a fucking ad! Granted, if pressed, I could nuzzle a couple of holes in their strategy, but how do you beat a thirty-foot tall transformer with the head of Danny McBride, complete with chaingun and giant robo-dong, gunning down a building full of terrorists?

This is why the Internet is just super fantastic. No company would ever be allowed to flight this ad on English television (the Germans and Dutch are a whole other story). Thanks to online, viral marketing, however, coupled with our wanton lust for violence, perversion and explosions, we get gems like this flickering to life on our computer screens.

Entertainment is king, and advertising is its grubby, unscrupulous little brother, riding his sibling’s coat tails on to money, women and song.
And by song, I mean drugs.

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