
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No More LULZ: Notorious Hacker Group Folds

"Our planned 50-day cruise has expired, and we must now sail into the distance," posted the fellows from LulzSec, the group of hackers who have been the center of multiple moments of online controversy, most notable after the Sony hack that occurred last month, and the second that occurred earlier this month, the two of which are rumoured to have cost Sony over $170 million.

Poor Howie was forced to skip lunch that day

There has been much debate surrounding whether or not these chaps are fringe element, interweb freedom fighters, battling for you online privacy, security and personal right to download copious amounts of German pornography without having to have that awkward conversation with your boss again, or socially inept tube-monkeys who were forced to endure too many LOLz and not enough laughs during their formative years, taped to their 286s while all the cool nerds were off playing Magic: the Gathering and watching Star Trek (Next Generation).

Well, if the group’s Twitter feed is anything to go by, they are “Lulz Security® (LulzSec), the world's leaders in high-quality entertainment at your expense”. Add to that the 77 million Sony users who had their credit details stolen, and subsequent monies pilfered… Yeah, you can make up your own mind.

About a lot of things…

Whatever. They’ve quit, apparently. Or joined with these guys.

Read the whole article here.

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