
Thursday, June 30, 2011

MySpace Sold For a Measly $35 bar. And No-one Cares.

Seriously, when was the last time anyone spared a second thought for MySpace? It’d be like pausing to wander how the abacus is doing. It is the great-granddaddy of Social Media and, as such, should be put in a nice, comfortable home, given a bag of wine-gums, and visited no more than once a month lest it trap you with meandering tales of how the orderlies are try to steal its dentures.

“I caught them going through my delicates!”

So, big surprise, the fellow who bought the site for $580 million in 2005 – you know, when Facebook was just finding its stride – made a gut-wrenching loss. $545 million, to be exact.

If that doesn’t make you balls contract, I don’t know what will.

Also, Justin Timberlake will soon own a stake in the newly acquired company, because that’s news, apparently.

“I caught them going through my delicates!” 

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