
Friday, September 16, 2011

Geek Out: Mortal Kombat: Legacy – The Nineties are Cool Again

If you are any good at the Internet, and have even an ounce of culture, then you will no doubt have already seen the brilliant re-imagining of that most bone-crunchingly awesome punch-em-up of the early ninties, Mortal Kombat: Rebirth.

Created as a promotional video in order to coax Warner Bros into letting it’s creator, Kevin Tancharoen, write and direct the next installment in the MK franchise, the trailer accidentally slipped into the public domain via YouTube and immediately went viral. Needless to say, fanboys the world over simultaneously ejaculated glitter and fireballs all over their SNESes.

Said Graeme Thunderpants from his mom’s basement: “I was a high-powered executive in my early thirties with a seven figure salary and then suddenly, BAM!, I’m wearing a faded Metallica T-shirt and up to my eyeballs in acne. It’s the greatest day of my life. Way to make the nineties cool again, Kev!”

But did Warner Bro’s buy it?


They did, however, action a go-ahead on the fantastic, new MK web-series, Mortal Kombat: Legacy. It does not disappoint.

There are nine episodes in the first season, and discussions are currently underway to make a second. We may even get a film out of this.

Here is the MK: Rebirth “trailer”, followed by all nine Legacy episodes, because I think you’re cute in those pants and I’m hoping you’ll give it up.

And that, bitches, is why you love me.

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